What is Copyright? Copyright refers to the legal right of the owner of intellectual property such as original literary, musical, dramatic or artistic works, and in sound recordings, video, films, broadcasts and other creative works. Under copyright laws, these rights are exclusive to the copyright owner, and enable the copyright owner to control how their work is used and to prevent unauthorised use. Information Concerning Copyright Claims As part of our mission to develop the most complete searchable index of music legally posted on the Internet, our Braina® music search engine crawler powered by AI and machine learning continuously crawls the Internet and music websites for new, legally posted music and video files. Braina® Music is primarily a music search tool, and we maintain no editorial oversight over the third party links in our search index. We do not store, host or control the media or music contained in our index. Because we do not own or have editorial control over these third party sites, it is possible that our index may link to some audio or video files that were posted without the copyright owner's authorization. We take copyright infringement seriously and follow DMCA rules. We are not a "file sharing" site, peer to peer or otherwise; and we in no way support or endorse illegal copying of music or video. We will immediately take down the link in response to a valid copyright infringement notice. Report Copyright Infringement If you identify any link on Braina® Music that you believe infringes your copyright, you can let us know by contacting us and providing necessary information. Moreover, we urge copyright owners to directly contact any third party website that has posted an infringing music or video file. The link in our index only points to the location of the file hosted elsewhere on the web. Accordingly, while this website can and does delete the link from its search engine upon request, it does not, because it cannot, delete the infringing file which was posted and is hosted on the Internet by a third party over which we have no control. We recommend that you use our search engine to identify the third party website who posted and is hosting the infringing file, and to contact that third party directly to delete the infringing file itself from the Internet prior to having us remove the link because when the third party who has hosted the infringing file removes the file, it will be automatically get removed from our index too.