1 |  | 親眼看見祢不要怕Cui Di, Tia Ray, Amazing Grace Worship Team, Yvonne Tang, Wang Jun & Ki Jie |
2 |  | Forest Gump |
3 |  | Farewell |
4 |  | Farewell (Song Bie) |
5 |  | Farewell (Song Bie) |
6 |  | Legend of the Sun Island (Tai Yang Dao de Chuan Shuo) |
7 |  | 永不疲乏永不疲乏Amazing Grace Worship Team, Yvonne Tang, Wang Jun & Anna |
8 |  | Hawthorn Tree |
9 |  | 不要怕不要怕Cui Di, Amazing Grace Worship Team, Yvonne Tang, Wang Jun & Angel |
10 |  | White Birch Forest |
11 |  | Come and Visit Our Village |
12 |  | Trail |
13 |  | Do You Know Star? |
14 |  | White Birch Forest (Bai Hua Lin Yo Bai Hua Lin) |
15 |  | Flagger |
16 |  | Legend of the Sun Island |
17 |  | 耶穌的名 |
18 |  | 六字箴言頌怙主三寶 |
19 |  | Sweat Brings Flowers of Happiness |
20 |  | 耶穌,我愛祢不要怕Amazing Grace Worship Team & Wang Jun |
21 |  | 愛裡沒有懼怕永不疲乏Yvonne Tang & Wang Jun |
22 |  | Waterwheel In the Woods |
23 |  | The Singing of the Reaping Machine |
24 |  | Farewell |
25 |  | Singing By the Nile |
26 |  | Revolutionary Youth March |
27 |  | 藥師灌頂真言 |
28 |  | Let Youth Shine |
29 |  | 大悲咒 |
30 |  | Forest Gump |
31 |  | Go to the Countryside Go to the Frontier |
32 |  | Cricket On the Earhead |
33 |  | Youth Friendship Waltz |
34 |  | 咕嚕咕列佛母 |
35 |  | 蓮花生大士心咒 |
36 |  | 大白傘蓋佛母 |
37 |  | Farewell |
38 |  | 南無地藏王菩薩聖號(華語版) |
39 |  | 賜您平安 |
40 |  | 一切如來全身舍利咒 |
41 |  | 綠度母心咒 |
42 |  | 準提佛母 |
43 |  | A Vast Field of Opportunities |
44 |  | 向山舉目 |
45 |  | 白度母心咒 |
46 |  | Holding Revolutionary Flags High |
47 |  | 南無觀世音菩薩聖號(華語版) |
48 |  | 风含情水含笑 |
49 |  | 藥師佛心咒 |
50 |  | 佛頂尊勝陀羅尼 |
51 |  | Revolutionary Youths Will Go Anywhere |
52 | ![Falling Slowly (feat. Diana Wang) [iTunes Session]](/music/images/music-note.png) | Falling Slowly (feat. Diana Wang) [iTunes Session] |
53 |  | Wang Zhao Jun |
54 |  | Lament of Wang Zhao-jun |
55 |  | One Shot (feat. Leehom Wang) |
56 |  | Light up TaiwanTaiwan MelodyThe Chairman, Wang Jun-Jieh, Ric Jan, Michael Shih, Fire EX., Random, Olivia Yan, Nasyy, Ardor Huang, Pigheadskin, Ayugo Huang, Suming Rupi, Yawai.Mawlin, Kodabow, Cindy Pai, Chen Ming-Chang & Vincent Cheng |
57 |  | 我多喜歡你,你會知道 (《致我們單純的小美好》推廣曲) |
58 |  | 給牠一個家給牠一個家 - SingleJam Hsiao, Selina Jen, Vic Teo, Joanna Wang, Debbie Huang, Tia Lee, Sophia Wang, Lollipop F, Abin Fang, Eric Chou, Alex Chou, Lulu黃路梓茵, TOP1男子漢, Echo, No Name & 王治平 |
59 |  | Sun Moon Light |
60 |  | Mr. Baroque (feat. Leehom Wang) |
61 |  | 我多喜歡你,你會知道 |
62 |  | The Wish of a Tree |
63 |  | 天台天台 (電影原聲帶)Jay Chou, Jun Lang Huang, Alan Kuo, Xu Fan, 宋健彰, Kuan Hua Yu, Cai Chao-Hua, Kai-Kai Zheng, Wing Lo, Zhe Li-Wang & Yu-Xuan Luo |
64 |  | Homeward |
65 |  | Missing on the Sky Wheel (The Insert Song of Drama "Finding Soul") |
66 |  | The Second Spring Bathed In Moonlight (arr. By Chu Wang-hua for Piano) |
67 |  | Heart of Water |
68 |  | 仙女下凡 |
69 |  | The Joy of Zen (Sweet Melody of Joyful Aspiration) |
70 |  | ㄧ暝聽江蕙 |
71 |  | Dragon Boat Festival |
72 |  | Become a Gentleman (From the Film "Kingsman: The Golden Circle") |
73 |  | 思鄉曲 |
74 |  | Leaving Taipei on a Trip |
75 |  | Song of Wang Chao Jun |
76 |  | 往事只能回味 |
77 |  | 思想起 |
78 |  | 詩響起 |
79 |  | 原諒我看無你的美麗 |
80 |  | 牽手打天下 |
81 |  | 假使你若離開我身邊 |
82 |  | 夢回嘉南平原 |
83 |  | 情人的香味 |
84 |  | 私想起 |
85 |  | 溫柔鄉的吉他 |
86 |  | Homeward |
87 |  | 添丁發財 |
88 |  | Dongshan River ~ Art and Greenery Meet Amidst Mountains and Water |
89 |  | The Joy of Zen (Sweet Melody of Joyful Aspiration) |
90 |  | 我多喜歡你,你會知道 (《致我們單純的小美好》推廣曲) |
91 |  | Karry On |
92 |  | The Little Prince's Rose |
93 |  | 熱能放送LFRaymond Lam, Carl Wong & Riley |
94 |  | Soldiers Please Take a Rest (Jie Fang Jun Tong Zhi Qing Ni Ting Yi Ting) |
95 |  | After the Rain |
96 |  | Powder of Stars |
97 |  | 唱響世界唱響世界 - SingleJeff Chang, One Wang, JJ Lin, 金莎, Rynn Lim, Li Bingbing, JY Hong, Kiki Hu & A-Do |
98 |  | Imperfect Child |
99 |  | Dongshan River |
100 |  | Song of the Black-Faced Spoonbills |
101 |  | Wind |
102 |  | Fried Rice Noodles at FengChiao’sFood Stand |
103 |  | Earth |
104 |  | Powder of Stars |
105 |  | Fire |
106 |  | Answers from East |
107 |  | Water |
108 |  | 給牠一個家給牠一個家 - SingleVic Teo, Jam Hsiao, Selina Jen, Joanna Wang, Debbie Huang, Tia Lee, Sophia Wang, Abin Fang, Eric Chou, 周予天, 黃路梓茵, 王治平, LOLLIPOP F & TOP1 男子漢 |
109 |  | Different With You (Instrumental) |
110 |  | My Former Commander (Nan Wang Ceng Shi Nin de Bing) |
111 |  | Answers from East |
112 |  | Children |
113 |  | Cherished |
114 |  | Greeting Matsu |
115 |  | Infant |
116 |  | Overcoming Numerous Obstacles |
117 |  | Snow in May (female vocals version) |
118 |  | Big Tools Everybody |
119 |  | Snow in May (male vocals version) |
120 |  | Flowers |
121 |  | People |
122 |  | Fried Rice Vermicelli at the Feng-chiao Shop |
123 |  | Jasmine |
124 |  | Answers from East |
125 |  | Back When We Were Young |
126 |  | The Song of Miss Moon |
127 |  | The Kite |
128 |  | One Day |
129 |  | Rainy Season (instrumental version) |
130 |  | Sunset at Baisha Bay |
131 |  | Reeds under the Moonlight |
132 |  | Leaving Taipei on a Trip |
133 |  | Piano and Sing |
134 |  | My Contemplation on Color -- Formosa's Debussy |
135 |  | Immense Ocean |
136 |  | Waiting for That Day |
137 |  | The Young Guy’s Home on Chung Chin N. Rd. |
138 |  | At the Entrance Where the Generations Mingle |
139 |  | A minuet by Jun-jie |
140 |  | Serving Tea for Friends |
141 |  | My Strength |
142 |  | Living By the Sea |
143 |  | Singing a Song |
144 |  | Unspoken Love |
145 |  | At the foot of Kuanyin mountain |
146 |  | Comma, Colon, Exclamation Mark and Period |
147 |  | Scenery in the Fog |
148 |  | Grandpa |
149 |  | An Ideal Afternoon |
150 |  | The Silent Rain |
151 |  | Piano Diary |
152 |  | Song of the Black-faced Spoonbills |
153 |  | We Love So Deeply |
154 |  | Lady |
155 |  | The Little Prince's Rose |
156 |  | Dongshan River |
157 |  | Sunlight |
158 |  | 阿却姨 |
159 |  | My Blind Brother |
160 |  | A Boat Out to the Sea |
161 |  | Looking for Happiness |
162 |  | The Swing on the Grass |
163 |  | Dearest Daughter |
164 |  | An Ideal Afternoon |
165 |  | Heart of Water |
166 |  | The Little Prince's Rose |
167 |  | Song of Safety |
168 |  | A Fall Passing By |
169 |  | The Earth |
170 |  | String |
171 |  | Leaving Taipei on a Trip |
172 |  | Piano and Sing (variation) |
173 |  | Ordinary |
174 |  | ApronArt School MusicalJozie Lu, Wang Zhao-Yang, Chao Yi-Lan, Shih Yi-Hsiu, Rebecca Yip, Tai Min-Xue, Edward Wang, Huang Jun-Jie & Banban |
175 |  | Answers from East |
176 |  | 难忘的你 |
177 |  | 四个愿望 |
178 |  | 我要你忘了我 |
179 |  | 唱響世界SOT電remix專輯Jeff Chang, Li Bingbing, JJ Lin, JY Hong, One Wang, Kiki Hu, 金莎 & A-Do |
180 |  | Stepping On Women |
181 |  | Answers from East |
182 |  | Male Domination |
183 |  | Drunk With Power |
184 |  | Labyrinth Dream |
185 |  | 我永远不忘记 |
186 |  | 往事只能回味 |
187 |  | Forget Who I Am |
188 |  | 难忘的情意 |
189 |  | Paparazzi |
190 |  | 望郎君 |
191 |  | 往後 |
192 |  | Selection of Samingad's Songs: I. Myth, II. Ringing the Bell, III. Ya Ya Ya, IV. Song of Nan Wang |
193 |  | 醒著睡著行走於那些無所遁形的 |
194 |  | Sketch |
195 |  | The Moon Reflected in Er-quan Spring |
196 |  | Answers from East |
197 |  | Wind |
198 |  | Answers from East |
199 |  | Answers from East |
200 |  | Earth |